ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Setup
We benchmark hundreds of buildings each year (over 400 certifications in 2022), and we are happy to help you get your accurate ENERGY STAR score today. Please contact Amy D’Angelo at: or 404.343.3835
ENERGY STAR for Existing Buildings
Sustainable Investment Group’s (SIG) team of hard working engineers are the best and brightest when it comes to benchmarking your existing building’s energy performance. We always start with the basics, EPA ENERGY STAR Certification. The ENERGY STAR mark is earned by comparing your building profile to thousands of similar buildings nationwide. A building’s energy use, as measured in the EPA’s Portfolio Manager® online database management tool, must be in the top 25% of all buildings to earn the prestigious Award.
Top 5 Reasons to Get ENERGY STAR
An award is issued to a building annually with a score on a scale of 1-100 based on property-specific energy consumption data that is normalized against all other similar buildings benchmarked in Portfolio Manager. The Portfolio Manager tool is such an amazing resource because it not only trends and graphs your energy use, but it can also track and measure your water use too. To get a complete snapshot of current conditions, our engineers verify building figures and operating procedures alongside utility bills in the EPA’s Portfolio Manager tool. We have helped clients boost their ratings just by more accurately reporting the building characteristics and profile. It helps to have someone familiar with the tools on your team, and we want to be your expert partner.
“Thanks Monica, Nick and the SIG team for your invaluable assistance in helping us achieve this designation!” – Jeff Johnson, SMA | Operations Manager | Daniel Corp | 1075 Peachtree Street NE
Experience Matters
SIG has years of hands-on experience with the ENERGY STAR program, and our volume of work has earned us the selective title ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence for 6 consecutive years (Fun Fact: This distinction places us in the top 0.04% of Service and Product Providers). Our company has received this honor for improving the average score in our client buildings, supporting cities and counties across the nation in energy benchmarking ordinance compliance, and promoting ENERGY STAR and Portfolio Manager® through training classes, marketing materials, speaking engagements, and client relationships. In 2022 alone, SIG helped over 400 buildings across the United States receive labels – not to mention the over 1000 properties that we benchmarked using Portfolio Manager, representing 100% of our customer portfolio. In terms of environmental impact, SIG’s work with ENERGY STAR translated to savings of more than 547,000 metric tons of CO2 in 2015. In addition to the Partner of the Year designation – Sustained Excellence, SIG received Elite Member status for the EPA’s ENERGY STAR for Buildings Award in 2014.
LEED Synergy
Don’t be confused by ENERGY STAR versus LEED. It’s not an ‘either/or’ choice. Both building certifications form a mutually beneficial relationship. The Portfolio Manager tool streamlines existing building performance benchmarking for LEED reporting. Moreover, monthly tracking of energy and water data is a minimum performance requirement in LEED v3 and a prerequisite in LEED v4. The Portfolio Manager tool makes this easy by automatically reporting your data to the USGBC per requirements in the LEED reference guides.
If you are interested in an ENERGY STAR certification for your building, please contact Amy D’Angelo, our ENERGY STAR Team Lead, at