AtmosAir Ionization Technology

By Jackson Pentz, Sustainability Analyst
Edited by Ariana Nieves, Marketing Coordinator
Sustainable Investment Group (SIG)

Since March 2020, businesses, property managers, and households alike have been looking for ways to ensure the healthy habitation of indoor spaces.  While the Covid-19 pandemic exposed numerous weaknesses in global supply chains, business practices, and behavioral patterns, it also inspired a year of unprecedented development in the field of health and human safety. Terms like “clinical trial,” “social distancing,” and “herd immunity” have become part of the public lexicon and led to an increased awareness for sanitization and public health measures. One such measure that promises to help control the spread of Covid-19 in indoor spaces is the bi-polar ion technology developed by AtmosAir.

AtmosAir is a technology company headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut. The organization produces energy-efficient air purification systems for both corporate and residential use. The company touts its bi-polar ion technology as a “simple and elegant solution to indoor air pollution.” The secret lies in AtmosAir’s reversal of the traditional air purification strategy. Instead of waiting for air circulation infrastructure to pass pollutants through a stationary purifier, AtmosAir’s system actively produces positive and negatively charged air ions that use the circulated air to distribute themselves throughout the indoor space. The ions then suppress “airborne and surface microbials and pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and mold… as well as unhealthy and irritating volatile organic compounds (VOCs)” (AtmosAir press release). In regards to Covid-19, a June study conducted by the EPA and FDA certified Microchem Laboratory, “confirmed that the presence of coronavirus was reduced by 99.2 percent within 30 minutes of exposure to AtmosAir’s bi-polar ion technology” (AtmosAir press release). Perhaps ion technology is the key for the return to safe indoor gathers and events. The company website already notes its integration into several well-known corporate locations, including:

  • Google
  • Apple
  • Comcast
  • The NFL

Bi-polar Ion technology can also be a source of energy and cost savings. The EPA estimates that heating and cooling account for “about 43 percent of all energy use in the United States.” Excessive energy use for temperature control poses a difficult obstacle for property managers since well-insulated buildings trap heat and lower-quality air inside; opening doors and windows for ventilation allows outdoor contaminants inside. With an AtmosAir system, buildings can remain tightly insulated because the consistent stream of ions helps recycle purified air throughout the space. This recycling reduces energy use on heating and air conditioning and significantly reduces the amount of pollen, spores, and other outdoor contaminants that make it to the indoor environment. AtmosAir’s system also breaks down volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by indoor furniture, decreasing the need for external ventilation.

Installing ion air purification technology in your building or commercial space can even help achieve LEED certification. The AtmosAir website states that their “technology has been used to qualify for LEED points for Innovation (IN), Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ), and Energy and Atmosphere (EA).”  Aside from LEED, ion air purification technology has also been used to achieve other sustainable building criteria, including:

  • WELL Building Certification
  • Living Building Challenge
  • Green Globes

Interested in ensuring the health and safety of your building occupants, while cutting costs on energy and maintenance? Schedule a meeting with a SIG consultant today to learn about your options for installing an AtmosAir system and what we can do to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 in your building or commercial space. Your tenants, planet, and wallet will be better for it.


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