1. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Located in midtown Atlanta, GA, this 735,311sf building is one of the twelve Reserve Banks of the Federal Reserve System located around the U.S. The Atlanta branch territory covers the Sixth Federal Reserve District, which includes Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, and portions of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. SIG helped this building achieve LEED Gold certification on May 13, 2013 under the LEED EB: O&M v2009 rating system.
2. 3344 Peachtree
3344 Peachtree is a vertical mixed-use office building and is the tallest building in the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta, GA. Originally constructed in 2008, this modern, beacon building earned LEED Gold certification on August 30, 2013 under the LEED EB: O&M v2009 rating system.
3. One Deerfield Centre
This 528,162sf 4-story multi-tenant office building, located in Alpharetta, GA, earned LEED Gold certification on November 12, 2013 under the LEED EB: O&M v2009 rating system.
4. LRN New York Office
This 17,000sf LEED-CI project is located on 5th Avenue adjacent to Central Park in New York, NY. SIG was hired to rescue a LEED application left dormant for over a year and was able to successfully guide the project to LEED Gold certification on November 4, 2013 under the LEED CI v3 rating system.
5. 1585 Broadway: EBOM Gold
Located in Times Square, the heart of Manhattan, stands Morgan Stanley’s 1.3M SF world headquarters. SIG teamed up with the Property Manager, Hines, to obtain LEED EBO&M Gold certification under v3 (2009) earlier this year.
6. The Plaza: EBOM Gold
Originally branded “Resurgens Plaza”, owned by CW Capital, and managed by PM Realty Group, The Plaza is iconic part of Atlanta’s Buckhead skyline. Sitting atop the busy Buckhead MARTA public rail station, the building earned LEED Gold certification thanks to the commitment PM Realty Group has for sustainable management practices (and maybe even a waste audit performed by a certain consulting firm).
7. Stonebridge I: EBOM Gold
Part of the esteemed Sanctuary Park office park in Alpharetta, located just North of Atlanta, Stonebridge I & III earned high marks as part of Jones Lang La Salle’s effort to work toward LEED certification for the entire campus.
8. Stonebridge III: EBOM Platinum
Stonebridge III, leveraging its original Core & Shell certification as well as several green build-outs by its anchor tenant, was able to become only the 2nd EBO&M Platinum certified building in Georgia.
9. JLL Management Office at Sanctuary Park: CI Gold
In a continued effort to hold itself accountable, the Jones Lang LaSalle team at Sanctuary Park even built out its own Property Management office to LEED CI Gold standards. Having several LEED professionals on staff and partnering with SIG, Venendaal Cave, and Choate Construction, the team was able to collaborate to deliver a truly lean and remarkable space.
10. Kimberly Clark Building 100: EBOM Platinum (Energy Audit)
At Kimberly Clark’s Atlanta campus, Cassidy Turley and the owner brought SIG on board to perform the LEED-required ASHRAE Level I Energy Audit. The energy conservation measures identified through the process helped Building 100 achieve LEED EBOM Platinum certification as well, following right behind Stonebridge III at Sanctuary Park.
To see a few more of SIG’s LEED Certification projects, click here.
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