New Interests and Hobbies during COVID

SIG had an informal contest to see what new hobbies and interests were developed during COVID and here are the results. Judges: Dallas Terry (San Francisco office) and Lyndsay Webb (Atlanta office).

1st Place winner
Emma Maltos
Atlanta office

Here are some pictures of my new hobby during Covid. I started to take foods that we ate and tried to redirect our normal food waste into growth! So far, I am trying to grow an avocado tree (my sisters favorite food) and we have a pumpkin vine out back. There’s also a community garden that’s being developed about a mile from my house, so if everything survives we will replant there and grow for local residents!

2nd Place winner
Kathy Grawe
Atlanta office

I learned some new mixed media and collage techniques by taking a few online mixed media workshops ($10.00 each) that I learned about through Facebook and Instagram. It has been a lot of fun and the teachers were all really good.




3rd Place winner
Jenn Mahon
Minneapolis office

We’ve been busy learning how to propagate plants and bake sourdough (from my own starter!). We also renovated our back entrance and refinished sixteen 100-year-old windows in our house!


Libby Dunne
San Francisco office

I have learned how to crochet during quarantine, my first project is still in progress!


Beka Rund
Atlanta office

Quilting – this is a baby quilt for a friend.








Michael Friedman | Sustainable Investment Group (SIG)Michael Friedman
Atlanta office

My new hobby, Megan gave me a hot sauce making kit for my birthday, and I recently made a pineapple curry hot sauce.



portrait of Bradley VogelBradley Vogel
Minneapolis office




Kelsey Alexander
Atlanta office

I got into embroidery! I bought some starter designs that showed me exactly how to do it. These were given as gifts.




Asa Posner
Minneapolis office

I wouldn’t really call this a new hobby/interest, but I made my family’s Challah recipe for the first time. Turned out delicious!




Katherine Glover
Atlanta office

A hobby I’ve picked up during quarantine: running + cooking

Hobby I’ve picked up with my roommates: bike rides


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