Marietta Medical Center – Marietta, GA
Case Study for Marietta Medical Center
Ackerman Medical
LEED Certification Level:
LEED® O+M: Existing Buildings v3 - LEED® Silver
Total Square Feet:
110,000 SF
SIG team members that worked on this project:
Alyson Laura, Sustainability Maven
Scott Baker, Director of Technical Services, PE
Building Address:
790 Church Street
Marietta, GA 30060

Sustainable Investment Group’s Role on this building:
LEED® O+M: Existing Buildings - Administration and Consulting
ENERGY STAR Verification and Sign-off
ASHRAE Level I Energy Audit
Fun Facts
Marietta Medical Center purchased 4,738,272 kWh of Green-e certified renewable energy certificates.
That is the equivalent of planting 14,572 trees or eliminating 4,461,550 vehicle miles.
Marietta Medical Center was built in 1989. When Sustainable Investment Group team members first sat down with the project team, we discussed a vision to guide our work. As an integrated team, we arrived at the goals of long-term value and durability. More conceptually, our vision was to bring this building into the 21st century of operations and maintenance.
This vision can only be fulfilled with one word, “Retro-Commissioning.” With the help of SIG’s team of expert engineers, Marietta Medical Center earned six points for existing building commissioning and two points for IAQ best management practices.
The combination of these strategies ensures efficient operation and healthful occupation for years to come.
With small investment and big ROI, the project achieved tons of points of indoor water use reduction.
The project earned five points for WEc2, plus an additional exemplary performance point, and regional priority point, totaling seven points for plumbing fixture and fitting efficiency.
Overall, the project successfully documented three regional priority strategies, another being stormwater quantity control.
The site has a steep slope on the south side, which presents numerous hazards for erosion and stormwater runoff.
The original project designer addressed this area with a structured parking deck and stormwater detention pond, and they continue to provide open space and reduce the heat island effect.
LEED® O+M: Existing Buildings recognizes both existing infrastructure and new upgrades for total building performance.
Medical buildings’ energy use are consistently higher than a typical office building.
Like many buildings in this industry, the Marietta Medical Center did not meet the minimum score of 75 for an ENERGY STAR label.
LEED acknowledges this condition and offers alternative paths for buildings to meet the minimum energy performance prerequisite.
To benchmark this building’s energy use, SIG used the energy use index (EUI) and compared it to the CBECS database.
Compared to similar buildings, the Marietta Medical Center is 15.7% more efficient.