Energy Audits
Save Energy. Reduce Operating Expenses.
Energy audits can be simple to produce, yet detailed enough to yield impact reductions and human health benefits. An energy audit is an active procedure to gather energy management data from building schedules and operational parameters. The data is analyzed for trends and opportunities, and a summary report is created. Our clients use the recommendations in the report to make adjustments to schedules and operations as they see fit.
How Does it Work?
To begin an Energy Audit, we need to meet the team who is currently operating your building. We want an introduction to how the building operates; schedules, controls, and meters. It’s helpful to know what kind of preventive maintenance is currently scheduled, and what problems have been uncovered recently. Once the Sustainable Investment Group (SIG) team is familiar with the design and layout of your system, then we want to physically see it in action. Our engineers will need your team to walk us through the mechanical rooms, the roof, and some occupied spaces to inspect the building during normal operations. We can help fill in any gaps in your operations and maintenance plan, or help you establish a written program if one is not already in place.
Energy Audits for LEED
At Sustainable Investment Group (SIG), we understand the value of consistency and professional best practices. That is why we follow the ASHRAE guidelines for a level I, II, or III audit. LEED for Existing Building Operations and Maintenance certification requires an ASHRAE level I audit as a prerequisite requirement. We like to perform this audit as early as possible in your path to LEED certification. By acting on the recommendations from the audit, you can start to save energy and money immediately.
If you need an Energy Audit for your building, please contact Asa Posner at or 612-567-2019.