3D Scanning
SIG is always looking forward to the future of the built environment. During this pandemic, we have innovated by beginning an all new 3D scanning initiative. Through this incredible technology, you can tell your building’s sustainability story virtually. It is easier than ever to highlight your sustainability features with these interactive scans, just hover your mouse over your feature to see it come to life.
Phipps Conservatory
Phipps Conservatory has been demonstrating the importance of sustainable action for over 125 years. Recently, they finished construction on the CSL building which holds more certifications than any other building on the planet! With our technology, you have the opportunity to explore this building’s state-of-the-art features no matter where you are located in the world.
712th Fifth Ave
Take a look at Paramount’s 712 Fifth Ave. Paramount Group is an industry leader in sustainability and a member of the USGBC. Like many others in the industry, they were forced to re-adjust their daily operations to protect their tenants and staff from the COVID-19 virus. Using our 3D scans, they are able to showcase their pandemic response operations to current and future clients. These clients can virtually walk through the process of checking in to the building while clicking on interactive videos and features to explain the new pandemic response operations of that building.
To learn more about SIG’s 3D Scanning Services, please contact Connor Offutt at connoro@sigearth.com